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You are experiencing some difficult times in your relationship and unfortunately, you have no idea how to get through them. Maybe this is even the end of your love story, but more than anything you want to give your relationship another chance. One thing is certain, you love your partner but you now want to see beyond feelings because they alone are not enough to guarantee you a stable and lasting relationship, in any case, more is needed to rebuild your relationship. But how do you form a solid couple and put an end to quarrels or disagreements? How to rekindle the flame and find a close relationship?


The couple is a fragile bond that must be maintained every day and it is to improve it, solidify it, or rebuild it that you are currently reading these lines.

To rebuild a couple you need much more than the desire to save your relationship. Even if the latter is important, you need to know the appropriate techniques and then know how to apply them to implement them as best as possible. This is precisely what I will help you do through this article.

It is important not to waste any more time whether you are still in a relationship, in the middle of a break, or have already broken up because there are techniques that address all the issues and particular steps to follow so as not to make the situation worse. situation :

Now you will finally be able to move forward with the one you love. It is now that we must begin to put in place the action plan that we will create together, whether through this article or my training: saving your relationship, the ideal method!


If some people decide to move on, you have chosen to give your love story a second chance, you don’t want to say goodbye to the one you love. So how can you rebuild your relationship when the relationship is at its lowest point? Well, as in every field, you need unfailing motivation, you must not give up and for that, it will be important to remember what pushes you to read this article, not only today but when you feel much less good.

There are 4 main reasons in particular which I will detail below. Know that even if you do not fully recognize yourself in these descriptions, there is nothing dramatic because what counts is what is in your heart, but in general, in at least 80% of cases, people that I support are in one of these 4 categories.


The first reason that comes to mind and that men and women give me when we start a coaching session is simple: the feelings you have for your other half are still very present.

In your eyes, it is impossible to let go or turn the page, quite simply because you are still in love and you do not want to let your relationship be torn apart and let the breakup or the crises take over. You know full well that there can be good times as well as bad. But this is not what should weaken couples, these trials should make them stronger.


When we find ourselves in the middle of a relationship crisis, there is also a question of ego that pushes us to act. We don’t want to find ourselves single because of how others look at us, we don’t want to announce our breakup or divorce to our loved ones, and this realization of failure makes us react.

There is also the desire not to see the one who shared our life in the arms of someone else. This reminds me of a coachee whom I supported a few months ago and who refused to move on, not because of his feelings but simply to avoid seeing his ex-partner rebuild his life. This coachee left an impression on me because he went very far in his thoughts, but I am regularly confronted with this scenario. It is extremely difficult and painful to imagine a person you love on the arm of someone else. If you ever find yourself in this situation, then I advise you to follow this training: how to get your ex back in the arms of another.


There is also another fear than that of seeing our partner turn the page, that of celibacy. Indeed, we don’t want to find ourselves alone, we don’t want to fall asleep without someone by our side, and we don’t want to find our loved ones during family meals when we arrive single.

Indeed, loneliness or rather singleness is poorly perceived even though 14 million French people are in this situation. And even if it is not a defect, it can be unpleasant. So we don’t want to be part of this category, we want to be together even if it means hiding the tensions that are rife within the couple.


When we have made mistakes, when we have not behaved in the right way, it is logical to have difficulty accepting that everything is going wrong because of our fault, or our partner’s need for distance. On the contrary, we want to redeem ourselves and relaunch our love affair quickly so as not to have to suffer from a possible separation.

Unfortunately, we often need an electric shock or a helping hand and find ourselves up against the wall to react and this is exactly what you are experiencing now, you have had difficulty making decisions but from now on this will change!


This is surely one of the main reasons that can push you to begin reconstructing your history. Although everyday life itself is a challenge to overcome every day, some can have a greater impact on the bond of trust and complicity between you, namely


Being unfaithful causes real upheaval for the person experiencing it. Far beyond a simple gesture, it can be the work of several months, or several years, which can be reduced to nothing because trust is acquired gradually and strengthens over time.

Here, the bond is broken, and this act can have serious consequences on a romantic relationship. First of all, the person being cheated on will question themselves a lot by wondering why the other person was unfaithful. Was it because he no longer wanted her? What did he have that she didn’t?

Despite the many attempts to be forgiven, you have to take action, because you can imagine that simple words no longer have value in his eyes. To rebuild your relationship, you will have to adopt exemplary behavior to hope to forget the deception, betrayal, and disappointment.


You should not minimize the relationship your couple has with sexuality because many problems can arise from it. Beyond the simple concept of sexuality, there is also that of seduction, attraction, intimacy, and passion. Lack of libido is a real burden in a life together, because it can create frustration and, once again, questioning.

Maybe the other wants to build a family and have a child. If there are concerns about your sexuality, he may then completely review the life plans you are considering and say that you are not on the same wavelength.

If no communication is established on this subject, the other person may then wonder if it is not a question of adultery or if this is not the end of your relationship. As a result, he becomes suspicious, she doubts you and little by little, trust breaks down, giving way to relationships that are not healthy. The objective for rebuilding your relationship will be to improve communication and rekindle the passionate flame of your early days!


Although it’s another part of your daily life, work has a lot of impact on your love life. When it is too present or not enough, it can create complications in couples. When you work too much, you can abandon your life together and no longer take the time to flourish together. There is a separation that is created little by little.

However, when one of you is unemployed, that can be a source of conflict as well. There may be difficulty finding work, a feeling of uneasiness may increase if one earns money and the other does not, and there may be arguments between couples when one thinks that the other doesn’t do enough. This is a point of anger that must be resolved at all costs.

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