What is couples therapy like and what is it for

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We know that when we face a new process fears and doubts may arise, and that is why we want to help you understand what couples therapy is like. This knowledge will allow you to know that this type of therapy is safe and effective, and will give you more peace of mind to begin the process with your partner.

In addition, couples therapy can help a relationship move towards better conditions, as well as help you accept a breakup from a good point of view. It is important to clarify that the stages of couples therapy can be implemented in different ways, everything will depend on the conflicts in the relationship, the degree of difficulty, and the variables that the psychologist takes into account.

What is couples therapy like? Step by Step!

We will review the steps that a psychologist takes when providing couples therapy. It should be noted that not all of them follow the same methodology, so you must first be diagnosed by your therapist to begin to heal your relationship. These are the stages of couple therapy:

The initial interview

This first session is not in itself part of the psychological intervention, but it is essential because it establishes the needs and problems that will be addressed. Generally, both members are present in the initial interview, because the idea is to collect general data about the relationship.

Since both are present and listened to equally, there will be no assumption that whoever had the first contact will have favoritism on the part of the therapist. The psychologist is in charge of sharing with the couple what they can expect from the therapy and clearing up any doubts that both may have. Once this stage is passed, we move on to the next ones.


After the interviews with the couple, whose number of sessions will depend on the psychologist’s criteria, the stage is entered in which a hypothesis is established. This hypothesis consists of the presentation of the possible causes of the problems in the couple, and once such causes are identified, we can move on to the next phase, which will depend completely on the hypothesis proposed.

Goals to achieve

Now that the psychologist has presented his hypothesis, sharing his vision of the problems, he proposes a series of goals and objectives for the couple. At this stage, the psychologist does not impose his objectives and goals but rather reaches a consensus with the couple, for which he listens to both of their points of view.

If the couple agrees with the objectives set, a work plan is established through an intervention program. But if the couple does not agree, then the professional takes note of the new information to modify his proposal.

The implementation of the intervention and monitoring program

During the implementation stage, dialogue and deliberation alternate between the psychologist and each member of the relationship. A series of techniques and strategies are also established that must be applied daily with which the relationship will improve.

The psychologist will decide whether the program will seek to meet weekly or monthly objectives and will do the proper monitoring to guarantee the growth and improvement of the couple’s relationship. They will also be able to identify stagnations or possible setbacks and will establish strategies to overcome these situations.

These stages answer the question of what a couple’s therapy is like, and the duration of each one will depend on the progress that the couple is making. When the professional considers it appropriate, he proposes the last stage of the therapy.

The closing of couples therapy

When the closing stage of the therapy is reached, the professional reviews the progress that has been achieved during the process will resolve any final doubts and will help the couple to be aware of the new behavioral patterns.

There is no stipulated time to reach the closure stage, everything depends on each case and the psychologist will be in charge of discerning the appropriate moment to direct the couple towards this stage.

What are the intervention techniques in couples therapy?

In couples therapy different intervention techniques could be used to improve your relationship, among them we find:

  • Communication: Work on effective communication skills so that you can both share how you feel, the feelings you have, and what you can improve.
  • Cognitive restructuring: through couples therapy, you will be able to identify all those patterns of thoughts and behaviors that are affecting your relationship
  • Conflict resolution: through couples therapy you will be able to resolve your relationship problems more effectively, managing situations and having a constructive conversation.
  • Promotion of empathy: the aim will be for each member to be able to put themselves in the other’s shoes, seeking an emotional and more human connection.
  • Relaxation and stress management techniques: deep breathing techniques, stress reduction, and improving coexistence with your partner will be taught.
  • Exercises for better coexistence: exercises will be proposed where people will have to work as a team to solve their problems.

Remember that for these techniques to be applied, they must be diagnosed by a psychologist, who can provide you with effective couples therapy. At Terapify we have 400 psychologists specializing in couples therapy in Monterrey and any other part of the country and other countries.

What is couples therapy for?

Couples therapy is used to work on the different problems you have with your partner or in your relationship. The objective or goal of taking this type of therapy will be to improve understanding, the quality of coexistence with your partner, and effective problem-solving. Couples therapy mainly serves these points:

  • Improve communication with your partner
  • Resolve conflicts effectively
  • Restore intimacy and emotional connection
  • Identify behavior patterns that affect the relationship
  • Overcome the crisis in the couple
  • Face the changes that living or living together as a couple makes you
  • Build the foundations of a stronger relationship
  • Improve relationship satisfaction

Remember that couples therapy will also help you get to know yourself and try to restructure those actions that are damaging the relationship such as jealousy, anger attacks, and lack of empathy, among other things. Remember that you are not alone and you can count on a psychologist at Terapify.

Couples therapy near you

Couples therapy is an intelligent solution to conflicts in a relationship. Having the experience and knowledge of a psychology professional will give you a more objective perspective and guide the relationship towards its functionality and happiness with your partner.

Keep in mind that you can count on online psychology, which is an excellent option today, with many benefits. Indeed, conflicts will not disappear, but you and your partner will be able to have strategies to deal with them most conveniently.

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